CALL US : 1-828-874-0909

It's just a different experience
Journey - PsychoSocial Rehabilitation (PSR)
"Create reality out of possibility" Morgan Freeman
Journey is designed to assist adults with mental illness to increase their functioning so they can be successful and satisfied in the environment of their choosing with the least amount of professional intervention. Journey is a voluntary program that members attend because they want a safe place to come socialize, address problems and just be. Members work side by side with staff in all areas to make the program work. This allows for pre-vocational training as well as an overall feeling of camaraderie.

Early Intervention
Dignity and Respect
Criteria for Eligibility
A potential member must have a mental health diagnosis, meet level of care criteria as determined by the MCO and have impaired role functioning in at least two of the following areas: employment, financial management, ability to procure public support services, appropriate social behavior or activities of daily living.
Staff will assist with unmet needs related to recovery such as; personal care, meal prep, shopping, housing, and accessing social, vocational and recreational opportunities in our community.
Journey has a focus on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals with mental illness. At this point the program is not restricted to this specific population but we aim to provide a safe place for this population and offer staff that sign in order to communicate with members anytime they need it.

Located on the lower level at 227 Avery Avenue in Morganton, North Carolina. Our program can be accessed from the the steps on the left side of the building or for convenient and/or reserved parking turn onto Evans Street next to Sherwin-Williams then left onto Mull Street. Our parking lot is on the left through the chain link fence.